Pressure Rating Permanent sealing up to 7,000 psiG (Tested to 10,000

Size Range .250” - 2.500” (6.35 mm- 63.50 mm) Tube ID Larger/Smaller
size available upon request

Standard Materials Brass, Carbon Steel, 316 Stainless Steel, 304
Stainless Steel, Duplex, Inconel, Titanium, and more available upon request.

  • Nuclear-Certification Nuclear Certification
  • ISO-9001-Certification ISO 9001 Certification
  • Canadian-Certification Canadian Certification

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The TORQ N’ SEAL® high pressure heat exchanger tube plug is a solid one piece plug that can be inserted to any depth of a leaking tube / tube sheet and installed by hand, providing unmatched flexibility and ease of use. The plug will expand approximately 35 mils (.035″) to provide a positive mechanical contact seal and are rated up to 7,000 psi after being rigorously tested. Please see our Torq N’Seal Hydro / Helium Test Report for detailed information. We stock Torq N’ Seal® plugs in most common sizes and materials, but we are happy to custom make a plug to suit your specific requirements. Please view our Materials Data Sheet for more information. The TORQ N’ SEAL® Heat Exchanger Plug can be used in high or low pressure applications such as feedwater heaters, moisture separator reheaters, preheaters, condensers, coolers, fin-fan coolers or any other tubed heat exchanger. We are happy to answer any questions or comments, just give us a call at 201-641-2130, email us at SALES@JNTTECHNICAL.COM, or fill out our Contact Form

  • 7,000 psi. Positive sealing in excess of 7,000 PSI.
  • NO Special Tooling or personnel training.
  • Variable Installation Depth. Plug can be inserted to any depth of the tube sheet in order to avoid severely corroded areas on the tube sheet face.
  • Quick Installation. Torq N’ Seal® plugs can be installed in just seconds, the only tool you need is a 3/8″ square drive torque wrench.
  • Fit Into Tight Areas. Design enables rapid implantation and fit into tight areas adjacent to the tube sheet/shell joint interface, baffle plates and internal dividers.
  • One Piece Design enhances sealing characteristics by eliminating second potential leak path, a common problem in the design of two piece plugs.
  • Wide Sealing Area contact zone ensures a positive seal.
  • NO Tube Sheet Damage. Gradual and symmetrical torque expansion eliminates thermal and mechanical shock to the tube sheet, commonly found with welding, impact due to hammering of tapered pins, and explosive insertion methods.
  • Exclusive Design allows installation of plugs at the face and back side of the tube sheet in order to prevent intrusion of shellside corrosives. With single plugging techniques  accomplished on the face of the tube sheet, corrosives can enter the void created in the tube sheet, thereby exacerbating erosion and corrosion of the tube sheet ligaments
  • Nuclear ASME Sec. III and ISO 9001:2015 QA Specifications

Use our Plug Selector to find the right solution for your leaking heat exchangers and place a request for quote.

Click Here for Plug Selector
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